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Court-based research: collaborating with the justice system to enhance STI services for vulnerable women in the US http://t.co/3vEaFQVO
The fractal queerness of non-heteronormative migrant #sexworkers in the UK by Nick Mae http://t.co/X7oGFeDI
‘only 31% of the sample of indirect sex workers reported having been engaged in commercial sex in the last 12 months’
Old but good. Violence and Exposure to HIV among #sexworkers in Phnom Penh http://t.co/rkrRGiBa
Someone is Wrong on the Internet: #sex workers’ access to accurate information http://t.co/aMSXhygd


Monthly sex worker tests are ridiculous, health experts say

Article by Julia Medew in The Age, May 31, 2011. Health Minister David Davis has backed down from a plan for Victorian sex workers to have fewer tests for sexually transmitted infections, prompting sharp criticism from public health experts who say the plan should go ahead. Last week, a Department of Health project officer told a health and sex work conference the government had approved a move from monthly to three-monthly tests for sex workers in the regulated industry from September. Legal sex workers applauded the move, saying monthly testing was unnecessary as they always used protection.But a spokeswoman for Mr

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Call for Papers: Selling Sex in the City

The International Institute of Social History has issued a call for papers for the project, “Selling Sex in the City: Prostitution in World Cities, 1600 to the Present”. These will be discussed at a conference, which will take place in Amsterdam/The Hague, on 14-16 February 2013. The aim of this project is to write a global and comparative history of female prostitution from 1600 to the present. Notwithstanding the large number of national studies on particular aspects of prostitution (e.g. regulation, attitudes or labour market), no international comparison over a significant span of time has been attempted. This project attempts

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PLRI website launched on International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

Welcome to the website of the Paulo Longo Research Initiative. We are launching the site on December 17, the Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers in support of sex worker organisations in dozens of countries who are demanding action to stop violence. This day is an opportunity to reflect on why quality research, linked to community action, is urgently needed to protect sex workers from violence and exploitation. We are a group of sex workers, academics and human rights advocates committed to producing knowledge that will improve the human rights, health and well being of women, men and transgenders

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‘In Whose Name? Migration, Sex Work and Trafficking’

A London seminar will explore the relationship between migration, the sex industry and trafficking in the UK by presenting the findings of the ESRC-funded ‘Migrant Workers in the UK Sex Industry’, led by Dr Nick Mai, Institute for the Study of European Transformations at London Metropolitan University. MONDAY 31 OCTOBER 2011, 3pm to 6pm London Metropolitan University, Libeskind Building, 166-220 Holloway Road London N7 8DB The findings will be presented with other recent and relevant research from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the London-based x-talk project. The presentation will be followed by a screening of Dr

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Malawi: Case Challenging Mandatory HIV Testing of Sex Workers Filed in High Court

The Southern Africa Litigation Centre and the Centre for the Development of People will be filing a challenge to the mandatory HIV testing of sex workers in Mwanza, Malawi. The applicants, 11 sex workers, were arrested by police while at a local restaurant, taken to a local public hospital, and subjected to an HIV test without their consent. The test results were announced publicly in court by the Magistrate and they were found guilty of spreading venereal disease. The Magistrate ordered those not from Mwanza to leave the locality. The case argues that the actions of the police, hospital personnel

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UNAIDS Advisory Group on HIV and Sex Work

It is an exciting time for sex work policy. Governments, UN agencies and key civil society institutions are beginning to focus on reforming laws and policies that can reduce abuses of sex workers and enable HIV prevention and care programmes to develop and work effectively. The UNAIDS Executive Director has established an advisory group on HIV and sex work  co-chaired by the Global NSWP and UNFPA.  The group includes sex workers from all regions and representatives of all the UNAIDS co-sponsors. Nandinee Bandyopadhyay is representing PLRI on the group. The Advisory Group has set up four working groups to clarify key

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The Global Commission on HIV and the Law seeks submissions from the Latin America region

On the 26-27 June 2011 the Global Commission on HIV and the Law will hold a consultation on the Latin America region. The Commission is working to improve HIV responses by addressing key legal barriers and promoting enabling legal environments. You can read more about the commission on their website. What do they want? They are looking for inputs from civil society groups and individuals, including those working on sex workers rights.  They want to hear from those people who are most affected by both disempowering and empowering laws and practices.  By speaking out now, you can help to shape the Commission’s thinking and recommendations, and influence the

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“Are States meeting their responsibilities to trafficked persons?” Ms Joy Ezeilo, United Nations Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially in women and children

Destination countries for human trafficking are obliged to protect and assist victims of trafficking.  This includes providing trafficked persons with protection of privacy and identity, measures for ‘physical, psychological and social recovery of victims’, and their physical safety.  They should also provide effective remedies for trafficked persons, such as compensation, and restitution.  Are destination States meeting these responsibilities in the 21st century? Joy Ngozi Ezeilo is a human rights lawyer and professor at the University of Nigeria. She has also served in various governmental capacities, including as Honourable Commissioner for Ministry of Women Affairs & Social Development in Enugu State

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Sex worker rights are Human Rights – it’s official!

  The U.S. was recently subjected to a Universal Periodic Review by the United Nations, in which they received 226 recommendations in regards to human rights issues. This is the very first review of the U.S. Today the U.S. released a report in response, that states in part: “We agree that no one should face violence or discrimination in access to public services based on sexual orientation or their status as a person in prostitution, as recommendation [#86] suggests”. The U.S. report was developed with input, lobbying and education by civil society actors and organizations including SWOP/USA. For full story

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Can sex workers be scholars? Nikat Ethiopia says yes!

Nikat is a sex worker organisation in Ethiopia. It has developed from a small income generation project to an NGO that provides education, social support and health services in the capital and mentors 30 newly established sex workers co-operatives throughout the country  Recently 15 Nikat members graduated in basic computer applications at their Drop in Center in Addis Abbaba.  Hennock Alemayehu ( pictured) director of Timret Le Howit a local NGO that provides support and resources to Nikat said,  “This is a kind of day which helps to continue  to work on our ambitious Mission… This is a best example of sex workers empowerment” Cheryl Overs of

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