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Court-based research: collaborating with the justice system to enhance STI services for vulnerable women in the US http://t.co/3vEaFQVO
The fractal queerness of non-heteronormative migrant #sexworkers in the UK by Nick Mae http://t.co/X7oGFeDI
‘only 31% of the sample of indirect sex workers reported having been engaged in commercial sex in the last 12 months’
Old but good. Violence and Exposure to HIV among #sexworkers in Phnom Penh http://t.co/rkrRGiBa
Someone is Wrong on the Internet: #sex workers’ access to accurate information http://t.co/aMSXhygd

sex work

International Network of Sex Work Projects

Unfavourable laws, stigma, violence, and discrimination cause sex workers’ vulnerability to ill health, social exclusion and human rights violations. Sex workers face these to varying degrees in all cultures from Switzerland to Swaziland, Canada to Cambodia. This guide, published by the International Network of Sex Work Projects, outlines their understanding of HIV and sex work and sets out their global agenda for change.

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Sex work is an important feature of the transmission dynamics of HIV within early, advanced and regressing epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa. HIV prevalence among sex workers and their clients is commonly 20 fold higher than the general population. Together, these factors may contribute to a differential in HIV transmission potential of more than 1000 times compared with lower-risk populations. Yet, in much of Africa, there is little evidence that transmission of HIV and other STIs in sex work settings has been controlled.

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Sex work is an important feature of the transmission dynamics of HIV within early, advanced and regressing epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa. HIV prevalence among sex workers and their clients is commonly 20 fold higher than the general population. Together, these factors may contribute to a differential in HIV transmission potential of more than 1000 times compared with lower-risk populations. Yet, in much of Africa, there is little evidence that transmission of HIV and other STIs in sex work settings has been controlled.

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 by Matt Wade, New Delhi January 8, 2011 SUMAN is proud of her boob job. It cost about $2500, a small fortune for most Indians, but comes with a ”lifetime guarantee” and the promise of higher earnings. Like many Indian transsexuals, known as hijras, Suman boosts her income with sex work. Breast enhancement operations, now easily available in big city hospitals, are increasingly popular among the naturally flat-chested hijras. Suman’s investment is paying handsome dividends.

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The Paulo Longo Research Initiative is a collaboration of researchers, policy analysts and sex workers working within the sex workers rights movement to improve the human rights, health and well being of women, men and transgenders who sell sex. Led by sex workers, and named after sex worker activist Paulo Henrique Longo, PLRI is committed to developing, consolidating and disseminating useful, ethical information about sex work. ———————————————————————————- We formed our partnership in 2008. The idea for the Paulo Longo Research Initiative (PLRI) arose among activists, policy advocates and academics who were frustrated by the quality of information on sex work available. Although

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Prominent US sociologist Weitzer reviews books on sex work. he says ‘The best recent research on prostitution is  ethnographic and centered outside the United States. The books under review are multi faceted, rich, novel contributions to the  literature, throwing a spotlight on previously hidden worlds. Each presents a microcosm of commercial sex that is linked to macro-level structures. And each focuses on indoor prostitution, a welcome counterbalance to the voluminous literature on street prostitution.’

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In this study in Pakistan 3350 male and transgender sex workers were surveyed, of which 2694 were included in the study. The average age of respondents was 24.1 years (SD 6.3), and the average duration of sex work was 7.5 years (SD 5.9). Respondents averaged 30.9 (SD 2.7) paid receptive anal sex acts in the month prior to their interview, while 21.5% reported using a condom during their last occurrence of paid anal sex. Of those surveyed, HIV prevalence was 5.4 per 1000; notably, no HIV-positive respondents reported any injection drug use.

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HIV prevention

Article by Seshu M, Hunter A, Reynaga E, Strack F, Mollet S, Morgan Thomas R, Overs C, Ditmore M, Allman D in the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review. The article describes how, in 2007, UNAIDS issued a guidance note on HIV and sex work, the tone and contents of which angered sex workers, activists and public health workers worldwide. In this article, based on presentations at the International AIDS Conference, M.

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Global Commission on HIV and the Law

Sex workers from throughout Asia and the Pacific present their arguments for recognition of sex work to the Global Commission on HIV and the Law In Bangkok in March 2011. This is a ‘must watch’ video and a perfect teaching or training aid.

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Article by Seshu M, Hunter A, Reynaga E, Strack F, Mollet S, Morgan Thomas R, Overs C, Ditmore M, Allman D in the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review. The article describes how, in 2007, UNAIDS issued a guidance note on HIV and sex work, the tone and contents of which angered sex workers, activists and public health workers worldwide. In this article, based on presentations at the International AIDS Conference, M.

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