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Court-based research: collaborating with the justice system to enhance STI services for vulnerable women in the US http://t.co/3vEaFQVO
The fractal queerness of non-heteronormative migrant #sexworkers in the UK by Nick Mae http://t.co/X7oGFeDI
‘only 31% of the sample of indirect sex workers reported having been engaged in commercial sex in the last 12 months’
Old but good. Violence and Exposure to HIV among #sexworkers in Phnom Penh http://t.co/rkrRGiBa
Someone is Wrong on the Internet: #sex workers’ access to accurate information http://t.co/aMSXhygd

rutvica andrijasevic shows


Sherief Gaber offers a fascinating and thorough analysis of anti-trafficking rhetoric and the ideology and actions it drives. In an article in the Huffington Post US academic Ronald Weitzer provides a clear explanation of why the claims being made about sex trafficking by celebrities, charities, UN and government agencies should not be taken at face value. One of the very few articles that relates sex work and income generation. Drawing on very little evidence it suggests that microfinance can contribute towards addressing the problems of human trafficking through “(i) Income generation and job creation; (ii) Education; (iii) Vocational skills training; (iv) Family

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